19 June 2010

It's Not the Devil's Playground

**** (4 stars)

I just finished reading (and copying) recipes from "Veganomicon: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook" written by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero. Both ladies are also the minds behind the Post Punk Kitchen and their previous best seller "Vegan Vengeance".

What I love about this cookbook is the author's relatable and funny writing style (yes, they did come up with the name for this book from repeat watching's of "Army of Darkness". Come one, that's just cool). The recipes run the gamut from simple homemade seitan (I'm still convinced I would need more counter space than my barely 2x3') to stuffed peppers to BBQ. Everything sounds delicious and the colour photos included read like food porn 101.

My only complaint with the book is that some recipes are way too long. If it can't fit on one page, there's something wrong. Besides that it's off putting, it makes it hard to photocopy which is kind of what you do when your rent from the library.

[side note: I totally rented this from the Library! So excited! I hope to one day own it, but in truth, shoes were calling my name instead.]

I am not vegan, but I love the creativity of the food and am always interested in expanding my culinary repertoire- who isn't?! This book is a nice primer for those who are considering veganism, vegetarians looking for more, and the curious (definitely omnivore friendly).

What are your favorite cook books?


Annie said...

My favorite cookbooks include:

Quick Fix Vegetarian
Fresh from the Vegetarian Slow Cooker
The 30 Minute Vegan
Student's Vegetarian Cookbook
5 Ingredient Vegetarian
Vegetarian Express
One Dish Vegetarian

~ Anne
aka "The Lazy Vegetarian" (my blog)

and a fellow member of the DV meetup group

Graygrrrl said...

Thanks for the recommendations! I'll have to check them out.